Drake's Radio, Ep. 5 by Sherman Mern Tat Sam
By Drake's
Jul 13, 2022

Esteemed abstract painter and friend of the brand Sherman Mern Tat Sam takes the reins for the latest episode of Drake's Radio, cooking up a playlist that recalls long summers and time spent in LA.
"They used to be called mixtapes when I was young, but now they are playlists. Without its two-sided format, making a playlist feels very different: a marathon instead of a game of two halves.
"I went to art school in Los Angeles. The thing is I lived there before moving to England, which means that I failed to appreciate the weather. In a sense it was, and still is, endless summer. When I think of summer, I still think of heat, sunshine, waves, beach. But also, a long stretch of seemingly endless time where one can be frivolous and dream. Without dreaming, laziness and boredom, how can art get invented? That’s what summer is for: renewal and breaking with the past. In one way or another this selection of songs still evokes that summer feeling. An awakening but also a recovery. It is the time of youth, but also the time to rediscover the youth in you. As a painter it is the time for me to make panels, prepare for the new season, but also to go on holiday (in my mind) and dream… That's what I brought from LA."
- Sherman Mern Tat Sam