The Spring Transitional Lookbook

A Conversation with W. David Marx

In the strange world of menswear and niche popular culture, W. David Marx has become a bit of an oracle, someone who can sift through the slop and get to the bottom of what, if anything, it all means. He moved to Japan more than 20 years ago, finding himself at the centre of a new wave of fascination around how two distinct worlds interact. 

The Games Suit in Tokyo

Akihabara Electric Town is a Tokyo district that is best known for neon lights and otaku culture: anime, video games and various other geekery, mixed with a slight air of seediness. There’s a sense of things creaking at the seams, a coating of dust mingling with the sensory overload.

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Revue: Alex Tieghi-Walker


Our friend Alex Moon, owner of Seoul's iconic Electric Shoes, selects her current favourite rotation of records

Drake's Radio, Ep. 26: Seoul Part II